Recommended Top 10 Foreign Advertising Alliance Platforms (2023)Recommended Top 10 Foreign Advertising Alliance Platforms (2023)

If you have a certain understanding of foreign affiliate marketing, you must have heard of ShareAsale . Founded in 2000, it is a well-known foreign affiliate marketing network along with Commission Junction , Rakuten Advertising and ClickBank .

ShareAsale was acquired by Awin (Affiliate Window) for $35 million in 2017, but ShareAsale still exists as an independent brand and website. Next, let’s take a look at how ShareAsale works? Take you through the following ShareAsale strategy.

If you want to view other Affiliate affiliate marketing networks, please view the encyclopedia of foreign affiliate marketing networks .

What is ShareASale

ShareASale is an affiliate marketing network based in the United States. ShareASale serves two customer groups in affiliate marketing: Publishers (content publishers) and Merchants (merchants). Publishers use ShareASale to find products to promote and earn commissions for recommending merchant products. I mainly do affiliate marketing to make money online, so I pay more attention to this role. Of course, if you are a merchant and want to promote your products to all parts of the world, especially the English-speaking world, you can also register for its merchant services to generate more sales conversions and acquire more customers.

shareasale website

Simply put, ShareASale is an intermediary between affiliates and merchants:

  • Publishers : Bloggers or content creators like me who write reviews about the products on their blogs and promote merchants’ products. In return for product recommendations, we will be rewarded with commissions.
  • Merchants : Business owners, sellers, etc. who have products/services for sale. They will pay people to promote their products/services to content publishers to promote and sell their products or services.

The advantage of the ShareASale affiliate network is that the threshold for joining is very low. You don’t need a large number of social media followers, and your website doesn’t need a lot of network traffic to sign up and start making money from your blog. If you are a blogger and website owner and want to make money online through affiliate marketing, it is highly recommended that you sign up for ShareASale Affiliate to make money.

If you are a merchant, it is also recommended to join ShareASale. The registration fee is US$625 registration fee + 20% of sales commission (the remaining 80% goes to the content publisher), and the threshold is low. You can click the ShareAsale merchant registration link to settle in.

ShareAsale content publishers earn money account registration

Shareasale merchants settled in

ShareASale Features:

  • Signing up for an account and getting approved is very easy with ShareASale compared to most other networks
  • There are so many merchants settled in, you can always find the products you want to promote (there are many physical products and many virtual products)
  • The interface is simple and easy to use, including text, pictures and other link methods.
  • ShareAsale only charges 20% of merchant commissions as platform fees, and the remaining 80% of commissions will be given to content publishers

ShareASale offers different revenue models, some are pay-per-sales, pay-per-lead and pay-per-click plans. Commissions must reach at least $50 before withdrawals can be made. Payments are sent monthly.

ShareASale is my favorite affiliate program network because they have a huge merchant roster of over 21,000 merchants and have over 240,000 publishers. Sales through the site exceed $16 billion annually, and high content publishers are paid commissions of up to $1.3 billion annually.

When your website or social media platform has accumulated a certain amount of traffic or fans and you want to make money, ShareASale is definitely a good starting point. ShareASale is a trustworthy brand that has been around for many years. It has solid and rich affiliate network resources. The registration process is also simple, making it very suitable for novices to make money.

ShareASale Affiliate Marketing Industry Categories

ShareASale merchant product categories include but are not limited to:

photographyBooks & MediaBusinessclothing
Computers and Electronicseducatefamilydiet
game toysGiftgourmet foodgreen Life
health and fitnesshome and gardentravelvirtual host

Each of our bloggers and Zhanzhu focus on and are interested in different points, and the product categories they promote are also different. Promote products based on your own interests. Another suggestion for you is that the unit price of the products you promote should not be too high, but it should not be too low either. If the unit price is too high and the sales volume cannot increase, you will not make money. If the unit price is too low, the sales volume will be too low.

Another consideration is the rebate ratio. The higher the rebate ratio, the better. It is recommended that the rebate be at least 15%, and some can reach 50% or even 100% (because many users will renew in the future, and merchants want to make money from renewals). If the rebate rate is high, some products with lower unit prices are also worth promoting.

How to register a ShareASale Affiliate affiliate marketing account

1. Go to the ShareASale official website, hover the mouse over Sign Up , and select Affiliate Signup from the list that comes down . If it is a registered merchant, select Merchant Signup .


2. In the next step, enter the account name (any name you want), password, country, and select Step 2 .


3. Enter the URL, website language, promotion method, etc.


4. Enter the email address you want to register.


5. Enter contact information, etc.


6. Select the payment method, select Choose Later, and then set it up after the account is approved.


7. Choose to agree to the ShareASale terms and guarantee that the information is true, and then click Complete Sign Up .


8. After the registration process is completed, wait for the confirmation email from ShareASale to successfully apply for an account. Good luck!

How to find products to promote on your blog in ShareAsale

Once your ShareASale account application is approved, follow the steps below to find products or services that you can promote in your niche.

  1. Go to the ShareASale website, hover over ” Login ” in the upper right corner, and click ” Affiliate Login ” to log in.
  2. Go to ” MERCHANTS ” and select the first ” SEARCH FOR MEARCHANTS “.
shareasale search for merchants

If you already know the merchant you want to join, you can type the merchant’s name in the keyword search box and search for it.

Alternatively, you can browse by category or enter keywords in the search box.

shareasale How to join merchant affiliate marketing

When you find a merchant, click ” Join Program .”

Next, read and agree to the agreement and click ” Join this program .”

Now all you have to do is wait for approval. You will be notified via email if approved.

How to create Affiliate link in ShareAsale?

You need to add a link or banner to your article to start promoting Sharesale products.

How to get shareasale link

1. In the Dashboard interface after logging in, hover the mouse over the ” Links ” option, and then select ” Get a link/banner “.

2. You will see a list of approved merchants.

3. Select the business you want to promote and click ” Get Links “.

4. A page will open where you can select Banners, Text Links, Create Custom Links, etc.

5. If you want to get a text link, so click on “ Get HTML Code ” and you will see the link as shown below.

Get shareasale affiliate link

6. Once you create your Affiliate link, simply copy the link and add it anywhere on your website.

ShareASale commission payment methods

ShareASale’s minimum payout is $50, and payments are sent on the 20th of each month to cover the previous month’s commission.

ShareASale has 4 different commission withdrawal methods:

  • Paper check sent via the U.S. Postal Service
  • Send check via FedEx (additional postage charges apply)
  • Direct deposit into your account (supports savings accounts in most developed countries)
  • Payoneer (most users will like this method, it is simple and fast, and they can receive payments directly electronically)
Screenshot of receiving money through Payoneer

For information on how to register and use Payoneer, you can view the Payoneer registration and usage tutorial .

ShareASale Merchant Fees

Although we are more concerned about content publishers, there are also many merchants who are more concerned about ShareASale’s entry fees. Here we briefly introduce it. ShareAsale’s merchant fees are divided into two parts: a one-time registration fee and a network transaction fee.

One-time Merchant setup fee $625 – A one-time Merchant setup fee of $625 will be incurred only after completing all registration setup steps and prior to final activation. In addition, the ShareAsale platform also requires merchants to pay a minimum deposit of $125. This deposit is deposited directly into your account and used to pay affiliates for sales and other qualified leads you define for the program.

Network transaction fee (Network transaction fee) 20% of the commission fee – a transaction fee is incurred when a valid transaction is generated. This fee is equal to 20% of the commission amount paid (if your overall commission to the platform is 10% of product sales, then the platform fee charged by the platform is 2%, and the remaining 8% is the commission to the content publisher), and is calculated as follows Calculated per transaction. If your account does not generate at least $35 in transaction fees during the month, you will be charged a minimum monthly transaction fee of $35 by the platform. New merchants have a 30-day grace period.

Generally speaking, ShareASale fees are relatively low and the threshold is also very low. It is very suitable for merchants of all levels from small to large scale to settle in.

As of 2021, ShareAsale has more than 21,000 merchants and 240,000 content publishers, generating sales of US$190 million that year. The entry threshold and fees are low, making it very suitable for merchants of all levels to settle.

If you are a merchant, click the merchant registration button below, and then select the ” Increase online sales ” button to register a merchant account, or click ” Sign Up ” in the upper right corner , and then click ” Merchant Sign Up ” to register.

shareasale merchant registration

Shareasale merchants settled in

How to make money with ShareASale

1. Write a “guide”, “review” or “article”

Reviews, tutorials, and guides of used products can be posted in articles. This is an easy way to make passive income from blogging.

Remember to include the affiliate link in your article. Every time someone clicks on a link on your page, the link is recorded in your affiliate account, and if it converts into a sale, you earn a commission.

2. Create a resource page on your blog

Creating a resources page on your blog Resources is another great way to promote your affiliate products. To give you an idea of ​​what a resource page is, check out my blog resource page where you can promote your affiliate links. Help readers while also earning a certain amount of income.

3. Add banners and other advertisements to the sidebar of the website

In addition to adding text links on blog posts, placing banner ads on your website/blog can also increase click-through rates. For example, adding banner ads in the sidebar, content section or top will also generate sales conversions.

4. Social Media Marketing

If you have a large number of friends and fan following on social media such as social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. You can post products that your followers are interested in and generate commission income.


The above is a tutorial on registration and usage of ShareASale. ShareASale has a large number of merchants, a wide range of products to choose from, and the platform is very easy to use. The commissions are also good, with the highest being $300 per sales conversion. It is a reliable and practical affiliate marketing network that is very suitable for novices to sign up and use.


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